Knee Pain

LA Vascular Specialists

Vascular Specialists located in Beverly Hills, CA & Encino, CA

More than 45% of men and 55% of women experience knee pain at some point in their lives. At LA Vascular Specialists with offices in Beverly Hills, Glendale, and Encino, California, Ramtin Massoudi, MD, and the team understand how quickly this type of chronic pain can affect your quality of life. The team works together to diagnose and treat all types of knee pain, whether you have an untreated sports injury or a degenerative condition. Call LA Vascular Specialists today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.

What causes knee pain?

The knee is a complex joint that is responsible for supporting the upper body and allowing the lower limbs movement. As one of the strongest joints in the human body, the knee endures stress at all angles. Many muscles, tendons, and ligaments hold the knee in place, while a network of blood vessels supply the joint with oxygen-rich blood.

The dynamic nature of the knee leaves it vulnerable to many painful conditions, such as:


Arthritis is a chronic condition that develops when the cartilage that cushions the joint breaks down, causing two connecting bones to rub against one another. The condition can also occur when the synovial lining inside the joint becomes inflamed.

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Meniscus tear

The meniscus is a flexible type of cartilage that acts as a shock absorber for the thigh bone and shin bone. Repetitive movements and stress on the knee can cause the meniscus to tear, leading to severe pain and limited mobility.

Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES)

PAES is a rare vascular condition that often develops when the calf muscle enlarges and presses on the popliteal artery behind the knee.


A blockage in your lymph nodes can cause your limbs, particularly your legs, to swell. As the legs swell, fluid can compress the knee and lead to pain.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are swollen, twisted veins in your legs. If they grow large, these veins can put pressure on your knee and cause discomfort when you walk.

How is knee pain diagnosed?

Diagnosing knee pain requires a full physical exam, medical history review, and imaging scans. After completing your exam, your doctor may order an X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT) scans to view your knee’s internal structures. They may also recommend blood work to investigate your symptoms.

What are the treatments for knee pain?

LA Vascular Specialists creates individualized treatment plans for patients with knee pain. After diagnosing the underlying cause, your doctor may recommend:

For patients with osteoarthritis, your doctor may recommend genicular artery embolization. This minimally invasive procedure can provide long term pain relief by reducing blood flow to the area surrounding the knee and subsequently reducing inflammation.

A combination approach is often best to relieve knee pain and help you regain full function of your joint.

Call LA Vascular Specialists today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about pain of knee.